License & Laundry



Now that I have more time to do personal things, finally, I was able to enroll myself to a driving school. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, it’s just that I can never make time for it.

I got my student’s permit today, will attend some pre-driving seminars on Saturday and will have my first session on Monday! I’m just glad I can eventually get this off my list. I hope I’ll be a fast learner. The first time I attempted to drive, I didn’t enjoy it. So, I hope this time I will and eventually will get my non-prof license. 🙂


After getting a student’s permit, the next in my schedule was laundry. I had few clothes which I didn’t send to the laundry shop because of their delicate material. I had to repair two of my blouses because they got some rips when I had it hand washed by the laundry shop. Too bad, right?


Now that I have more time for laundry, I might as well do the laundry for all my clothes.  🙂

Tomorrow is general cleaning of my room and some baking!

I’m just grateful for these days that I can do some postponed chores.




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