
Last Sunday, I joined a 5k color fun run with some friends to help in raising fund for children of Yolanda victims to go back to school. It’s also my first time to join a color run so I was really excited. We finished the 5k in more than an hour because we did more walking, picture taking than running. Haha!


After the run, we lined up for the giant inflatable slide. It looked so fun and so we tried it.  And yes, it was indeed fun.



But after the slide, it wasn’t fun anymore. We didn’t know that the slide was hot and going down, my arms rubbed to the hot surface. I felt like I was starting a fire with the effect of friction. I got wounded badly that I screamed in pain when I took a shower.

photo 2 (1)photo 1 (1)

I asked God what He was trying to teach me that He allowed me to have these wounds. And later that day, God reminded me how truly vulnerable I am. I got reminded that I am no super hero. I can be wounded. I can get sick. I can be weak. He reminded me that I have to take care of my health especially that I am moving very soon.

And not only to take care of my physical body but also to be spiritually healthy as I prepare myself to a new phase in my life. I got reminded that I can never depend on my own strength and resources. I need to be spiritually healthy to be ready to face the challenges waiting ahead of me.

God is very clear in His Word that we need to always put on His full armor. We can never remain complacent with the real enemy.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:10-12)


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